Phil Sanderson founded Parley to be just such a creative ally and then in the summer of 2021 Phil joined The Alliance (The Alliance | Coaching With Impact). The Alliance is one of the leading coaching businesses and enables Phil to collaborate with exceptional coaches. All Phil’s coaching is now delivered through The Alliance and this website is intended solely as the depositary for his personal musings relating to all things coaching.
To contact Phil, go to Phil Sanderson | The Alliance.

Coaching requires a special relationship. It involves a dialogue between equals and a dialogue with yourself. It requires mutual curiosity and creativity. It is an alliance.
Think Again
19 January 2024
Thinking a gain – common failing in our working lives is the quality and volume of our thinking.
12 January 2024
Don’t we often give more focus to what we are trying to achieve, than to the more important and difficult question of who are we trying to be?
Between things
1 January 2024
What better way to start the 2024 musings than by reflecting on liminal space.
11 December 2023
I am slowing down my reflections on my own 2024 resolutions this year. You could do the same?
The reality of goal setting
24 May 2021
One of the goals I set myself for April was to write about goal setting. Okay, so it’s May.
Sunk Cost and its relevance to your future
3 March 2021
I listened to an interview with the great Seth Godin at the weekend and he circled around the sunk cost fallacy while talking about his new book, “The…
Time is the coin of your life
1 March 2021
A few weeks ago, on a Monday morning, prime time, I looked outside at the snow that had fallen during the night. A change. To be celebrated in Lockdown.